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Mango leaf will control diabetes

Fruit king, mango, is the result of such a title in the uniqueness of taste and quality. It's hard to find people who don't like mangoes. Ripe or raw mango is the favorite fruit of all. Delicious and juicy The health benefits of this fruit was well-known to everyone. But in addition to creepy, fruit, its leaves are handy! Experts have recently claimed that this leaf has been used since ancient times to control diabetes. 

Studies have shown that Kacchi On the mango sheet contains Anthocyanidin called tanning, which is handy for diabetics. This leaf helps regulate insulin levels in the body, and reduces hyperglycemia. In addition, mango leaves have been proven to be a source of high blood pressure, asthma, bronchitis, permanently inflamed or enlarged veins, anxiety, insomnia, fever, diarrhea and fatigue. The newspaper Kolkata Wetfloor reports. 

How to eat — Ingredients: 8-12 cucumbers of On the mango sheet and one and a half glass of water. 

Ready process: First wash the amputees. After that, pour one and a half glass of water in a container, and let it boil in the oven. After Five minutes, allow the amputees to boil in the water for Five minutes. Then close the oven and cover the mixture overnight. The next morning, get up early, and get an empty tea. This drink should be taken continuously for one month. Then you will see that diabetes is always in your control. With this, your mood will be full.