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Skin care and skin care for boys

Lifestyle :: Not only does it work well to brighten the skin, as well as eating and exercising properly. The secret of the secret of the boys' appearance is the secret because of the smooth, well-formed body, and the healthy skin. The skin is not known in detail about the appearance of skin. 

From the morning, the boys began to race outside. They spend most of the day outside their homes. Burning in the sun, wet in the rain, the dust on the skin becomes pale, rough, and dull. Boys need regular care to remove the roughness on the skin. Besides, the skin of men is much thicker than that of women. Therefore, the nature of the treatment of men is different from the skin treatment of women. 

The most common problem for boys are eyebrow folds, wrinkles on the skin of the eyeball, swollen cheeks, and thin skin with thin, pierced pores. Of course, skincare guys are now much more aware. In parlors or salons, they not only get their hair cut, but also do hair decorating, shampoo, manicure, bleach, facial, body massage, body packing. For this reason, separate parlors have been developed based only on the practice of boys. In these places men are advised and resolved on the complexity of skin problems, hair fall, hair loss, cough, etc. Manicure, pedicure, bleach, massage, etc. are available for hand and foot jitters. Sunshine, outer dirt, various pollution etc. make the skin dry and itchy. So the skin should be taken daily. Shaving a beard is the daily task of almost all men. Also, need daily care according to their skin. 

The boys' facials: Boys spend most of the day outdoors. So sunscreen lotion should be applied before washing. In the accompanying bag should be a facial or face wash. After arriving at the office through busy city traffic and dust balls, it is best to concentrate on the task of washing your face with a facial or face wash placed in the bag first. Dust causes sweating and sweating on the two sides of the nose, at the corner of the lips, near the sputum, like black-headed skin problems. For those who have less than a day to wash their hands and face during the day, they should go to a beauty salon at least once a month, and make a facial. Those with dry skin can make the sunburn facial. It is also useful for sunburned skin. Those whose skin is oily can have aloe very and gold facials. Those who have acne problems in the skin will benefit if they do Ayurvedic Facial. And those who want to take care of the skin at home, they can apply sandalwood to reduce the sun burn.